Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rhode Trippin'

As many of you know, I graduated from optometry school this year and am getting ready to head to Okinawa for a 2 year Navy gig.  Very much looking forward to the new location but have been enjoying spending time with family and friends in and around Montana the past few weeks.
The move also brings and end to my 11 year relationship with my car - which for some reason I named "Marge".  She was originally sold/leased to Connie and Bill when Jim was back in his Bennett Motors days (I think that's how it went anyway).  I bought it from them after college graduation even though I figured I'd be the only person under 50 driving a Buick around.  But, just like Johnny Cash sang, "I've been everywhere" in that car.   Driven through 48 states while bouncing through the country for Navy and optometry rotation travels.  And cities like Seattle, Portland, LA, San Diego, New Orleans, San Antonio, Chicago, Boston, D.C., etc.  She's been a great car and I'm sad to see her go.  Hopefully the next owner will get some more great miles out of her.  "Morris Motors" has since sold 2 more cars to the Buyske family so I might be hitting them up again when I get back from Japan.  Anyone interested in some fresh sushi is more than welcome to come visit anytime!   Sayonara.


Molly said...

And it's been WONDERFUL to have you around big bro!!!! And I actually mean it this time. ;) Marge has been your faithful sidekick for over a decade. I know it will be hard to let her go, but I think she deserves a break. :)

mattandkelly said...

Will is not going to let you in the house if you sell Marge! You will basically have to "fly" in everywhere we live so that you can maintain the illusion of ownership of Marge to stay in his good graces. :)

Jen said...

Mike I bet it will be hard to put Marge to rest, but now I can just picture you on one of those tiny Japanese scooters buzzing in and out of traffic :) I am excited to have you (somewhat) close and having a reason to visit Oki! :) Hope the rest of your time in MT goes well!

Jan said...

We have LOVED having you here! It is going to be hard to have you leave! Even playing the Farming Game and all the others with you was a blast!! I hope that you can make it back to Montana a few times during the next two years. We are so proud of you, son! And we will take good care of Marge until she moves on to the next owner!

mary said...

It was great to see you and Joey the other night. Enjoy the rest of your Montana visit and safe travels to Japan~

Connie said...

We're so glad that Marge served you well. I'm not sure if "morris motors" will have any more cars for sale. We've had the one we're driving now for almost 10 years and your dad has already asked for it. I'm now sure if we will ever give it up though, it has been a great car. Sorry we missed you when you were in GF. Take care in Japan and wish we could visit.

Hannah said...

Another shared trait of Moore members - we drive our cars into the ground! I believe it is a bloomin' shame that some people have new rides all the time - I think that a car deserves to be driven by a loyal owner until it's dying breath. I guess John and Grama always bought cars a lot but I am proud of you, Mike, for keeping your trusty Buick until leaving the country. Best Wishes on your new adventure!!

Briana said...

I think a good, long relationship with a car shows character. Sorry that you have to let 'er go.
I hope that we can come visit you in Japan while you are there! Sabina misses you much (we all do - but she's pretty vocal about it!)