Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rileigh!

Rileigh turns 16 today! That's a pretty momentous birthday. As a high-school sophomore, she is involved with cross country, choir, and other activities that she surely excels at. We hope you have a grand birthday, Rileigh.

Happy (gulp) 50th, Mary!

Gosh, turning 50 has made Mary VERY tired!!  Just kidding!  For all of you who
were not there, Mary cut her hair!  She looks very hip and with it and definitely
not 50.  Hope you had a special day, Mary!  We loved your party and sharing with
all of our friends!  Just wish we could have stayed and celebrated on the real day.
Sorry this is late!  Love you little sis!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn!

We all wish Kaitlyn Louise a very happy birthday today! I'm posting this a bit late, so I hope she had a lot of fun and frolic. We were thinkin' of ya, Katie!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

This is the most recent picture I had:
Yesterday, the 18th of January, was Shannon's and my mom's birthday (Tom's wife) and I just wanted to throw something up on the blog to tell her how much we love her. We hope you had a great day and I know dad is looking forward to getting home tonight to celebrate (a day late).

We love you and Happy Birthday!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Piper!

Piper turns three today! I hope she has a great day at the start of a great year for a great girl. (This picture is all I have at the moment -- it's a long story.) Happy Birthday!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

My friend, Jimmy Čelik, called from Slovenia this morning. All is fine with him and his family in Prvačina. He sends New Year greetings to all his friends in Montana. Or, as they say it, Srečno Novo Leto! Here is the Čelik family -- Jadranka, Jimmy, and Nola.