Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jen!

Well our little girl is turning 26 today and isn't even in a spot to celebrate.  She is sailing the high seas for Okinawa to pick up 1,000 Marines and then on to Australia.  What a young woman she is!  We missed having you here with all of the family home!  Hope you can celebrate your birthday in some way, Jen.  We love you and miss you!


Jen said...

Thanks mom. It was the Deputy Commodore's birthday as well (pretty much my boss) so I let him have the spotlight and kept my birthday to myself :)

Joey said...

You should've told him what was up Jen. I hope you have(had?) a happy day and celebrate in some way. You are an amazing sister and we are all very proud of you.

mattandkelly said...

Happy birthday to a fabulous individual! We miss you and love you SO much. Here's to a year filled with love, blessings and fun.

The FL Buyskes

Diz said...

Happy Birthday, Jen! You are a sweet, wonderful, amazing girl. We love you!

- Diz and Abe

ShannonMarie said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!! Hope your day was great sailing the seas!

mary said...

Happy day, Jen! I hope you at least got some cake!

Hannah said...

Ah Girl - you should never let the boys get all the attention!! I am sure that you are a million times more spectacular than any darned Deputy Commodore. I guess that is just one of the many things that makes you fantastic. :)

Mike said...

Happy belated bday, Jen. Sounds like things are going okay on the ship so far. Looking forward to hearing some stories from Australia and getting to see you sometime soon. Love you.