Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Abram Isaac!

I think we agreed that we would continue to do birthday and anniversary posts as we forge across the fifty states, so I thought I would send a quick happy birthday message to my darling husband. Here he is playing music with some friends in Los Angeles. Happy Birthday, b! I love you!


Hannah said...

Happy Birthday Abe!! One favorite memory of Abe was when we were kids and riding our bikes up this mammoth hill to get to McCarty Creek. I simply couldn't pedal the whole way and he stopped and walked his bike with me in a kind and brotherly fashion. Being close in age, we often had more contentious interactions but this one was always there to help me know what a great person Abe really was and is. I also think that on his birthday he deserves some props for really being a bonding agent in this family. He is the one to go to when I want an update on the cousins and makes considerable effort to visit family members and host visitors as well. I am proud (and a little envious, actually) of how well he stays involved with everyone and helps keep the family together. Great Guy! Hope you have a great Birthday

Molly said...

Happy birthday Abe!! I love how much you care about what is going on in everyone else's lives. And how you are such a generous host. You're all about family get togethers and I think that's awesome. One of my favorite memories will be listening to "Green People"! I love that song! And even have it on my i-tunes!

Johnny Piano said...

I hope you had a great celebration, Abe! Sounds like you've been on the road a lot, and I'm glad you were able to get home for your birthday.

Jen said...

Abe! Happy belated! I hope you had a great day! I agree with what has already been said: you are so involved in the family and always so interested in what everyone is doing. You definitely have taken the bull by the horns in a lot of ways, and I thank you for that!

Jan said...

Happy belated birthday, Abe!! My favorite Abe story is when he was little and Marc and I were in Helena. We went to Boulder to pick them up for a weekend and bring them to our place. They both had glasses and Abe had forgotten his. He was just so dang cute sitting in the car (not in a car seat if you can imagine!)
apologizing because we had to go back and get his glasses. We have always enjoyed our time with you, Abe! OK, maybe not always. You were a stinky new born baby :)

Jan said...

Happy belated birthday, Abe!! My favorite Abe story is when he was little and Marc and I were in Helena. We went to Boulder to pick them up for a weekend and bring them to our place. They both had glasses and Abe had forgotten his. He was just so dang cute sitting in the car (not in a car seat if you can imagine!)
apologizing because we had to go back and get his glasses. We have always enjoyed our time with you, Abe! OK, maybe not always. You were a stinky new born baby :)

mary said...

Happy belated birthday Abe! Jan is sooo right. You were such a cranky baby and it was so hot in Great Falls that summer. But I still loved coming over to babysit~
Hope you had a great day!

meg and ry said...

Happy belated birthday Abe! My favorite memory is going to Chicago with Ryan when we were in Kentucky and you and Ryan and I (and Des intermittently) sat in the bar for 10 hours to watch the Cat/Griz game and we just drank and drank......oh wait - RYAN AND YOU drank and drank and thoroughly enjoyed yourselves (even with the awful Cat fan that was there - and even our Cat cousins would agree...he was a jerk!). I being 4 months prego wasn't too impressed ;)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thanks for staying so connected to everyone!

Briana said...

Happy belated Birthday bro. One of my favorite memories of Abe is when I had a broken neck and we wallpaper John and Anns tv room together for them. It was such a sweet time in our lives ... that whole season. You are a wonderful brother and a great man.