Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Memories of Grandma Jeanne

The last time I saw Grandma was after the last family picnic in White Sulphur.  Molly, Jen and I took her out to lunch at her favorite spot - Taco Treat - and we had a great conversation.  At one point I remember making a comment about how many people there were at the picnic and I told her that it was all her doing.  Then she turned and smiled a bit and said, "Well I did have some help there".  I think her greatest legacy is the wonderful, amazing family that she started and that continues to grow today.  Her spirit will continue to live through all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Things I'll miss about her are many, but some I'll always remember:  how she would always ask me "Michael John how are you?" every time she saw me and always in a way that made me feel she truly wanted to know and not just because she was being polite; her impatience with my slow counting of the cribbage cards that usually resulted in her counting my points for me; how her house was always open for any and all needing a place to stay, whether it was for a night or a month.

She was one of the strongest, selfless, and most compassionate people I know and I am truly blessed to be a part of her family.
Michael John


Johnny Piano said...

Well stated, Michael.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the side hug. And Taco Treat.


Mary said...


Nateusmoore said...

One of my last memories of her was at Taco Treat too and the Bud Light I had with her. Will always remember that.