Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jeanne remembered

As I have said many many times, I could not have asked for a greater family to married into than the Moore family.  And that started with John and Jeanne.  For the past 36 years, Jeanne has never once made me feel anything other than loved.  She never lectured or offered her unsolicited opinion.  However when asked, she always gave the best advice – simple and clear.  Jeanne was the most graceful lady I have ever met.  Whether it was hosting parties or hanging out at family picnics, you just knew she was the General in a subliminal way.  Jeanne was very and truly thankful whenever I helped out.  BBQ’ing for her friends, roofing her house, or just inviting her to dinner.  Her smile, laugh, and hugs always told me I was loved and I was important to her.  Our talks long ago on how to raise a family, or how to manage a household, or even how to be a Christian were invaluable and inspiring.  She just knew what to say to get me going in the right direction.  This world has lost a wonderful person and Heaven has gained a shining star.  I will miss answering her questions on how work is going, there will always be a void at family gatherings and special dinners, and I will never forget how Jeanne enhanced my life.  Thank you Jeanne.  Peace be with you.  I love you!!! 
Jim W

1 comment:

Johnny Piano said...

Each passing day brings me closer to peace with Mom's passing. Life goes on. But then I read tributes such as this (and all the others), and a few tears fall again.

Not a bad thing – they are tears not only of grief, but also of joy.

We have been blessed to be part of this family. Thanks, Jim, for expressing that so well.