Monday, December 21, 2015

A Grandmother Remembered

When I think about Grandma Jeanne, there aren't too many specific quotes I remember her giving me or specific conversations we may have had.  What I do remember are small snippets like pieces of a puzzle, where you aren't quite sure what they are independently but when put together form a picture.
As Matt said, we were lucky to live only 90 minutes from Great Falls and often made the trip south to shop for Christmas, shop for back to school, shop for groceries, etc.  Lots of shopping.  We would always stay with Grandma for the day, or maybe a night depending on the trip.  I remember eating dinner in the dining room at the table, the two single beds in the basement bedroom, toys scattered on the basement floor, playing in the yard with cousins, eating Little Caesar's Pizza, watching TV in the TV room, the taste of the water, and many more little things.  I remember family gatherings at Grandma's house with cousins, aunts, and uncles and all the visiting and games that would ensue.  As a child I figured that the way our family was was pretty much how every family would be.  It wasn't until I got older that I realized how special our family is, and it all started with Grandma.  She brought everyone together and nurtured the loving, caring family that we are all a part of (in her own unique way).  She took in a lost 24 year old who quit his job in the middle of the night and showed up on her doorstep needing a place to live, no questions asked.  She thoughtfully wrote cards and gave gifts to all of her children, grandchildren, and many great grandchildren for years.  Grandma was as special as a person can get, and I will miss seeing her at the Family Picnic and stopping in to visit when I'm in Great Falls.  We lost a very special woman, but we gained an amazing family through her.

I have heard from my friends and others who have been around my family how amazing it is and they can't believe how well everyone gets along.  I still don't really think about that much, because that's just the way it is, but I truly feel blessed to be a part of this family and look forward to the many years to come of Family Picnics and gatherings and passing along the love Grandma gave to all of us.

After I read Abe's poem, I started thinking about writing a song.  I'm not much of a songwriter, but I can come up with music quite frequently.  So when I was thinking about what to post, I thought turning Abe's poem into a song would be perfect since the writing was already there.  With his permission I am posting his song with my music and singing.  I've never really sung in front of anyone before, but that's just what Grandma brings out of you, right?  Abe worked a little bit with the song and added some things, but this is the version with just me.  I will add his rendition later when I get it from him.  I love you Grandma!


Jan said...

Oh my gosh, Joey. Well written and beautifully sung! You gave your gramma a sweet tribute!

Anonymous said...

I am sitting at my desk at work crying. That was beautiful, Joey. Thank you for sharing that! And thanks to Abe as well.


Hannah said...

Ditto to molly. Thank you joey. I am so grateful for that beautiful song.

Hannah said...

Ditto to molly. Thank you joey. I am so grateful for that beautiful song.

Jen said...

I'm proud of you's not easy putting yourself out there like that but you did Gramma proud and I know she's smiling when people listen to that.

Johnny Piano said...

Nicely done, Joey. You took Abe's words and gave them flight. Kudos to both of you. Music can stir deep emotions, and yours did in me.

Shmoore said...

Joey-one word.....Awesome!

Miranda said...

The talent in this family is always surprising me! So touching. I hope your students benefit from your talents, Joey.