Sunday, December 13, 2015

Jeanne and me

I remember cribbage games with Jeanne and John. They ended up taking us out to dinner a few times.
Enjoyed taking her out to lunch. Had a few arguments about who was going to pay for it.
Had a good friendship with her.
This is from Bill's heart.
I'd like to add a postscript to this and tell the story about their first meeting.
I met Bill in January of 1974. That summer we drove to Couer 'd Alene and spent the 4th of July with many of his family members. We then drove to Whitefish and I introduced him to my family. Shortly after we arrived mom was assigning beds for everyone to sleep in and when we got to the end she had assigned the same bed to both Bill and me. Now you know that was against her beliefs, so she rectified it rather quickly. She did welcome him with open arms though.


Johnny Piano said...

Thanks to bill for memories of cribbage and winner dinners. Connie, I remember meeting Bill in Whitefish. Abe was about a month old and cranky as all get out.

Mary said...

Love this!

Jan said...

Great memories, Bill! I remember that Whitefish trip, too. Marc was there too. Didn't we make him sleep in the car??

Connie said...

Yes Bill ended up sleeping in the car cuz we couldn't get him out after a night on the town. We covered him up and left him. He was mad at me the next day, not because we left him there but because I didn't stay with him!!!