Monday, December 07, 2015

Memories of Mom

We all know Mom was a creature of habit. Lunch was at noon, dinner at six – although her move to Highgate shifted her dinnertime to an earlier hour. She seemed to adapt okay. When we were growing up, Monday was laundry day, and Mom regularly washed all the bed linens along with clothing. When I was a teen, I spent many a summer morning sleeping late. Well, on Mondays, that didn't matter to Mom. She didn't make me get out of bed; no, she just pulled the sheets out from under me. I recall many a Monday waking up like a rolling log. More recently – less than a year ago – I visited Mom at her condo. I asked her what she needed to have done. "Well," she said, "we could go grocery shopping." "Sure," I said, "but you usually shop on Saturday." "It is Saturday," she said. "No, it's Friday." "I'm sure it's Saturday." "You just put down the paper. Look at the date." "By gosh," she said, "it is Friday." "I'd be happy to take you grocery shopping, though," I said. "No – Saturday is shopping day."


Connie said...

And ever since she gave up her car keys, I'd say that about 90% of the time I took her on her Saturday shopping jaunts. We always had to go to IGA as that was where she had always gone. Thankfully there was one close to her condo also. When she moved to Highgate, I missed those Saturday trips.

Anonymous said...

Shopping with her was always an adventure. Sometimes when I would go with her, she didn't really need anything, she just wanted to wander the grocery aisles. I also love the story of when Mom was travelling with Grandma and they were coming upon Harlo I believe. They're conversation went something like this:
Mom: "Are you hungry?"
Grandma: "No, no."
(They pass Harlo and a little while later...)
Grandma: "What time is it?"
Mom: "Almost 12:30."
Grandma: "12:30?! Well it's past lunchtime."
Mom: "I just asked you if you were hungry and you said no."
Grandma: "Well I didn't know it was noon and I eat lunch at noon."

Definitely a creature of habit. But an entertaining one!


Erin said...

Love the story about Saturday shopping day!