Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Greetings from Hawaii!

Hello, dear family, from sunny Waikiki!  We have had a wonderful couple of days here, and I can relax in knowing that I didn't forget to take a minute from fun in the sun to share with you some of my most fond memories of Gramma.  It has been so therapeutic for me to read all of our posts.  With each one, I can't help it but shed a tear or two. 

One of my funniest memories of Gramma was fairly recently.  It was the first time I brought Birch to a family event; I think it was Meghan and Ryan's wedding.  We arrived at Gramma's house, and as usual everyone was gathered in the kitchen.  We were standing around her table talking, and she had the weirdest expression on her face as she chewed what we all thought was a piece of food.  After a few minutes she said, "What the...who gave me this!"  And, she pulled a packing peanut out of her mouth.  I believe the answer was, "Umm, no one, mom." from my dad.  We all laughed, and she must have eaten something actually edible.  I always chuckle a little when I think about it.

Another gift that Gramma gave me, both literally and figuratively, was my  life size Raggedy Ann doll.   It was for Christmas, and I was about 5 or 6 years old.  I can't even begin to explain how much I loved that doll.  I took her everywhere, dressed her in my clothes, and slept with her every night.  She endured many torn appendages, mostly due to Nate, and was my childhood best friend.  For years she was with me every day.  I like to think that Gramma was too.  Gramma was there when I was sick.  Gramma was there when I said my evening prayers.  There for every good day and bad day.  I still have this doll.  She sits in the top of one of my closets.  Her face is held together with a Nylon from all the years of using her as a pillow, and she looks kind like Frankenstein from how many times mom sewed her arms and legs back on.  I still can't bring myself to get rid of her.  I don't think I ever will.

Gramma's passing has brought a whole new emotional side to me.  I am not usually the most outwardly sentimental person, and the week of Gramma's was tough for me.  Had I been able to stand up at her vigil, I would have said the only reason we all hurt so deeply is because we loved her so so much.  And that's okay.  Love you all.


Mary said...

Awesome Shannon! Enjoy Hawaii!

Nateusmoore said...

Great post, Shan. I remember that doll well - you're not lying when you say it's freaky looking. You're right - we loved grandma like crazy

Anonymous said...

Great post, Shan! She was loved immensely. Love you!


Shmoore said...

Very nice Shannon Marie. She had a knack for finding the perfect gift for the ones she loved. Your doll was a prime example.

Jan said...

Shannon, What a sweet post! Gramma usually had the perfect gift, spot on! Sometimes someone got something from the fibber mcghee drawer which was hilarious! She was quite the gal and loved picking things out for her family!