Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Portland lists

Hey ya'all - sorry for the delay in our list making, but at least we have an excuse - newborns take a lot of time! Anyhow....list making we did:
Family presents:
- fun games - Balderdash, pdq
- What we really need is a new oven! So if you really want to make a contribution that will contribute to our nourishment and happiness then send a contribution towards an oven! I promise we won't pay our mortgage with it :)
- A visit from you! Really! Especially if you like to change diapers :)
- small practice amp for guitar and bass
- book "I am That"
- cool zip up sweatshirts without elastic bottom (no external logos)
- gift certificate to Banana Republic
- new dvd player
- a happy family (yes that means EVERYONE - no excuses)
- black socks from Target that have padded bottom and say "simplify" on them (their the best socks ever1)
- a gift certificate to Read Underwear
- Music!
- Gift certificate to Anthropology
- Framed artwork
- Milk! that's all she really cares about
- Baby Einstein toys
- Baby clothes for 6+ months (we are set on the 3 - 6 month clothing)
- Music

There is really very little that we need, mostly we just hope that everyone really enjoys their time with family this year and know that we are thinking of you and love you very much.

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