Friday, December 07, 2007

Philpot Phun

Ok, so first off the calendars are done and should be mailed out as soon as I get them. These are the people that I believe ordered them: Matt and Kelly, Randa and Nate, Megan and Ryan, Connie and Bill, and Jim and Beryl. If for some reason, you sent me your ten smackers and you aren't listed, let me know via email or this blog. I figured out today that I am actually able to order more copies if you want one but I'd have to charge you $14 to include shipping. (I forgot to add that in before.) Also, Matt, Randa, and Megan: are any of you going to be in Great Falls for the holidays? If so, I'll mail your calendars to Grama's with hers. Otherwise, I'll send 'em all to ya'. Oh, and here are our Christmas lists.

As a family we love good kids books, funky toys, gadgets, games.

Hannah enjoys super smelly candles like cinnamon, lemon, or spice and pretty much anything from Target

Jerry likes cool ties and stocking hats or anything from Cabella's or Sportsman's Warehouse

Mikayla wants Barbie clothes, Barbies, a snow globe, clothes size 9 or 10

Kesiah is requesting Barbies, any kind of horses, Snow White or Beauty and the Beast movie (but I think they are difficult to get), and a real watch

Carter wants the movie Ratatouille, transformers, Gi-Joe's the movie or action figures, a shake and go car and a spiderman arm web shooter

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Love, the Philpots


Miranda said...

We are going to be in Great Falls so send it along with Gramma's! Hope you all have a great holiday!

meg and ry said...

Hey Hannah - We'll be in Kentucky but email Mom to see if it should get sent or not. It might be unwrapped by family with a picture taken and sent to us. Lame, I know, but we have limited space and have to ship most things back anyway. Yah...we kind of stink. :)


Hannah said...

And Jim, once again I am sorry for defying blogger manners by posting the same day you did. I must have a sixth sense about the days you are going to post and am just driven to do the same:) I swear it is subconscious.

mattandkelly said...


Thank you for your efforts. We will be in Anacortes for Christmas.

Love ya,

Shmoore said...

Hannah-It's ok. My post was simply a Christmas list that doesn't need top exposure for a whole day. Now if it would have contained a picture that would have been a different story.

Jan said...

Hannah - Thank you for doing the calendars. You are the girl! I had thought I put an order in with Gramma's, but then I did forget to send the money. Would you please send me one and I will send you $14? You can throw Meg's and Matt's in with ours. We are going to Anacortes, too. Thanks, again, girl for all of your work!!
Love you, Jan

Anonymous said...

I would love a calendar also. I am so far behind on everything I do that this is just another mishap in a long line! Oh well. I will sent the $14 this week and you can send our calendar to me or to Grandmas whichever! Thank you for doing this! I am sure it is awesome!
Merry Christmas!