Sunday, January 10, 2016

Memories from Mikayla

When we were in Montana a few years ago, I was hanging back with Opa J and Grama Jeanne at the hotel room and we decided to play a dice game. And every time that Opa got any kind of point, Grama accused him of cheating and would say, “I can’t believe you would cheat against your own mother and granddaughter”. And every time I got a point, she was proud, saying, “Good Job!” She would also always tell me that I look just like my mom.        I remember once going to her old house when I was really little and I went to open a cupboard that was apparently the “birthday” cupboard and I saw a great doll in there. Grama saw me and ushered me away saying that was off limits but I mentioned the doll and just happened to get it for my birthday a few months later. It has been my favorite doll since that day that I still adore. 


Jan said...

Very sweet memories, Mikayla. Mom had a way of sticking up for grands and great-grands and taking her own children on! She was something else for sure! Thank you for sharing!

Shmoore said...

Great stories Mikayla. Who could forget the infamous closet.