Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Memories from Kelly

(I just love Gramma Jeanne's expressions in these pics 
taken in August, 2013 - had to include them!)

Hello Moore Family!  

I have so loved reading the many wonderful Gramma Jeanne stories you all have shared.  Thank you for putting into words what this amazing woman has meant to your life.  I often tell people that I won the "In-Law Lottery" when I married Matt, and I really do believe that.  You all are amazing and wonderful people to know.

Gramma Jeanne set such a quiet, strong example of faithfulness to God.  Dang, this gal was a good Catholic!  Never assuming and always accepting in my experience, I am honored to have been able to join this family and experience her wisdom and integrity.

More than any single incident, what I will remember about Jeanne is how it was almost like a surreal, special effects type of close up whenever I had the chance to really talk to her.  Everything else zoomed out, and the focus was on the conversation and moment we were sharing.  There was an intensity in sharing words with this woman, but it was completely welcoming and heart warming.  You just felt good and loved around her!

We pray for the repose of Gramma Jeanne's soul every day, but I'm pretty confident she and John are up in heaven turning cartwheels and throwing really great parties.  I'll pray that someday we'll all be up there to join in! 

With love,



Johnny Piano said...

Nicely said, Kelly. And thanks for the great photos.

Jan said...

Kelly, Those are sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing the impressions Mom left on/with you! I believe we are the lucky ones to have gotten you in to this family!!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! My, how quickly time passes. And you are right in your description of conversations with grandma. It was something special. Love you!


Mary said...

Awesome post Kelly. Thank you for sharing~