Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy Birthday, Mom

Our wonderful mom turns 55 today.  Dee and I made it over to Great Falls for a long weekend and all the siblings (minus Nick) will be here to celebrate as well.  Madison plays a game in Cascade tonight then it's a 48 hour party!  I feel very blessed to have been born into this amazing family and feel like I won the lottery as far as moms go. Don't mind my brother in the picture above, I just love Mom's smile in this.

Love ya!


Jen said...

Happy birthday Mary!!!! You are definitely an amazing woman (i mean you kind of have to with putting up with Jake and I hope you have a very special day. I know it is bittersweet but I'm glad your kiddos could help you celebrate!!!

Jan said...

Mar, Mar! Happy birthday little sis! Wish we could have celebrated with you too! Would have loved to have seen Maddie play but we will watch on the news!! I am sure having all the kids around will help you have a GREAT celebration! Hope to see you soon!!

Connie said...

I'm sure having most of your family around to help you celebrate will make this a very special one. Enjoy it while you can cuz some day you will be as old as I am.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great day, Mary! Glad that most of your kiddos could be home to celebrate with you. Love you!


ShannonMarie said...

Happy belated birthday, Mary! So glad you were surrounded by so much family to help you celebrate your day! Hope the celebration lasts all weekend!
