Sunday, January 10, 2016

Memories from Carter

I remember getting birthday cards from Grama with some cash and handwriting that my Mom had to read because I couldn’t. I remember being at Uncle Jim’s house in Grantsville with Grama and she was trying to convince him to let us watch a movie that he didn’t want. I remember coming in from gathering Jim’s eggs and Grama had little baggies of toy animals and candy for us. I also remember her trying to teach me cribbage and I was not very good. But she was nice and patient.


Jan said...

Carter! What great, fun memories. You didn't get to spend much time with Gramma Jeanne but she does leave an impression no matter how long you spent with her!

Shmoore said...

I don't recall the movie story Carter. It probably wasn't that good so I wanted to spare you.