Tuesday, July 02, 2013


I apparently don't have that many updated pictures of Matt. With 4 boys running around, I can't imagine why not. Happy birthday to an awesome brother, and someone I know is a wonderful husband and father. You've always been a great role model, Matt, and always trying to help someone out. You're so willing to do anything for those you love and you have a tremendous heart. I always think back to when you were trying to teach me to be able to dribble the basketball with both my right and left hand, so you told me to start eating and brushing my teeth with my left hand. And when I was in high school and you tried to help me with my geometry homework over the phone when you were at Notre Dame. You are truly one-of-a-kind and I hope you enjoyed your day. I can't wait to see you become a father again! I love you big brother!!


Hannah said...

Happy Birthday, Matt!! I hope you have a fabulous day. I don't know if I have ever seen you without a smile on your face. You have always just been an exceptional fella'!
Have a great one!

Jan said...

Happy birthday to our special birthday son! You are an amazing young man and we are proud to call you our son!!! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. No hurry up and move out here so I can start eating some Kelly cooking.


mattandkelly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABE! I'm so grateful you joined this amazing Moore crew 34 years ago. You are a blessing in my life and I love you tremendously!

(Thanks for posting, Molls! So cool - when I clicked on the text here, up popped a great Buyske pic from last summer. One of my favs!)


mary said...

Happy birthday Matt. Hope your day was great and your year even better! See you in August!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday bro! It was great to see ya on your special day! I hope that you enjoyed your day and that your time in TX is finishing up nicely. Wish I was moving closer to you and the family, but alas, I guess I will just have to make a point to visit! Here's to a great brother, husband and all around family guy!