Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wingerter update...

I think we have forwarded lists to all concerned parties so I thought we would just update our statuses...if that is a word.  We have been busy; work is busy, reffing stuff is busy, following Maddie is just seems busy.  Throughout all that busyness we are feeling truly blessed.  Maddie is loving high school life at Central.  the small school seems to fit her right now.  She is playing basketball on the JV team and doing really well.  They have had 3 games and are 2-1.  At Central, families are required to give 30 hours of voluteer work.  Of course for Jim and I that isn't too difficult.  We had our hours done by the end of October.  We are people who really like to be involved (I bet you didn't know that!!) so we are continuing to do what we can.  I just don't think we will be running the scoreboard or keeping book like we did for volleyball!
We attended our first meeting for the booster club in November.  They asked if I had any ideas for fundraisers and, funny, I did!  The president is stepping down after 4 or so years in the position and the next thing I knew they voted for me to replace him.  So crazy!  But it should be fun.
Jim is also in charge of his referee pool this year and imputing all the games (all 1300 of them) into their scheduling program.  So I am definitely not the only crazy person in this house!
Ben is back in the Falls for a while.  He wanted to be here for Christmas so he left Maui a bit early.  No worries I think he already has some possibilities for work lined up for after the first of the year.
Jake will also be home for Christmas.  We are so looking forward to meeting his girlfriend Deanne.  They will be here on Friday.
Nick gets home on Friday also, will be here for Christmas and then he will spend most of January in California gearing up for their deployment in March. 
And we are super excited that Sammy gets to come home too!  He will fly into Billings on Friday and will be able to be here until Jan. 2 when he has to report back to Fort Sam Houston.  He is enjoying the challenge of the Medic course work.  Right now they are working on the paramedic portion and after Christmas he will take the licensing exam to be a nationally certified paramedic.  After that they begin the actual army medic stuff.  Scary thought that this 19 year old could be saving lives in just a few months!
We would love to see any and all who venture to the Falls during the holidays.  Grandma would love to see you all!!  We are having an open house next Sunday, the 23rd, so if you want to come crash our party we would LOVE it!!

Christmas blessings to you all and may God grant PEACE to us all.

Love to you


Jan said...

Wow! This is quite the post, Mary! After the month that I have just spent, I am exhausted reading this blog! I feel super lazy and I love it! Congratulations on being the president of the Booster Club. I am sure that will be your job for the next four years. Once Maddie leaves you won't know what to do. Or else you will move like we did so you can quit all of your activities! But wait, wherever you go, someone spots a volunteer and snaps you up!! Enjoy these high school years with Maddie!! Would love to come to your party but we will be in Texas! Merry Christmas to you all!!

mattandkelly said...

Ben Wingerter! List please! Or it will be coal for you!

Love, kisses and mooshy stuff,
TX Buyskes

mary said...

Kelly and Matt:
Ben's list is on Amazon. Pretty handy really...

Love you too! enjoy those grandparents while they are with you...