Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Hey, John Rubin!

Ann and I had a great (quick) trip to Chicago. As always, Abe & Dez were great hosts, and the star of the show was their wonderful son, John Rubin. We've discussed what to call him -- "John John,"(JFK?) "JR." (Larry Hagman?) "Peanut," (too late now?), "J. Rubin" (a bit too corporate?), "Ruby" (tough in grade school?) "Jack Ruby" (JFK?) "Little John," (it seems to fit) "John Rubin" (maybe the best fit). I like John John, but I'm just a voice in the wind. This will take some sorting out. I will report, though, he is an even-tempered infant -- alert, thriving, absorbing the world around him, and still quite non-verbal. We found that he's quite capable of soiling Abe's office with one simple explosion. Here's just one photo of many, depicting three generations of Moores -- eyes closed, oblivious to the world around them.
Here's another shot. (Sorry for excluding the mom and grandma from this post; it's just too much fun for the guys.)


Jan said...

You guys crack me up!! Very cute pictures! It is great that you had the chance to see him before he is six months old!! Can hardly wait to get my hands on him!

mary said...

So fun! Glad you got to go see John John! I have serious baby fever here and keep telling my kids...another grandbaby? No one seems to be listening. sigh~

Connie said...

Great pictures of three generations. Glad you got to go to Chicago to see him.