Monday, September 15, 2008

New town, new house, new job....

Hello All!

Well, it has been awhile since we've updated you all on the happenings of the Schultes. It was great to see you all at the Family Picnic. Shortly after that, we made the big move to Helena - took a whole big UHaul truck plus a couple vehicles....lots of :) Much of it was wedding presents we hadn't seen since the day after our wedding, so unpacking was pretty exciting. We got settled and love the little house. It's close to the school, a nice park, Food Share, and Uncle Joey!!

Tyson is doing well. He is growing like a WEED! He now weighs 15 lbs and measures 25". Crazy! He's also talking a TON. And sleeping incredibly well - usually from 10-5:30 or 6 (sorry Kelly!). It's awesome.

Ryan is loving his job at Helena High. The Bengals are 3-0 for all teams, so they are on a role! He has AP History and US History - all juniors. I think he's liking the students and staff...and having Mom in the office hasn't been too bad.

And I'm keeping the home fires burning and finishing up my transcription training. I also applied for a part-time job at OPI, so we'll see how that pans out.

That's about it from us Schultes. Our new address is: 1916 Sanders St, Helena, MT 59601. Happy days!


Hannah said...

Glad that all is going well in ol' Helena. I know that underneath it all Ryan secretly wishes he was a Bruin but other than that...
And having a baby sleeping through the night, I seriously hope you appreciate that. :)

Jan said...

That baby is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am loving having these three in Helena. We are getting more and more family here! It is great. And, Hannah, the only serious team in town is the Bengals!!!

Nateusmoore said...

Glad everything is going your way in Helena. Miss ya here in the Falls but glad that all are happy in the Capital City. Cute kid, by the way.

Anonymous said...

i am so happy that you are back on the transcriptionist thing!! anyway, cannot wait to see that little guy again, lets hope that if i do come in october i will get to hold him for at least 5 min