Thursday, April 17, 2008


Grandma, Meg, Ryan and I were all sitting around the kitchen table tonight playing cribbage and a very important question came up. With our family growing at such a rapid pace and family members beginning to outnumber states in the Union what are we to do? Grandma had an idea a while ago that when the states are all taken we start over at the beginning and begin to share states. This way a new member will have an instant bond, connection, etc. with another family member that shares the same great state.

I know another vote on this blog is not exciting but all of us around the cribbage board thought that it was a very pertinent subject. Just leave some comments and let us know how you feel about this idea. Love you all -


PS - Quote(s) of the Night - We are sitting around the table and Megan pushes on her belly.

Ryan - "Hey, what are you doing?"
Megan - "The baby's leg is hooked under my ribs and I'm trying to move it."
Ryan - "Well don't push on it so hard."

GRANDMA- "Hey, you're not carrying the baby so YOU be quiet!"


Molly said...

I think sharing states is fine. It is an instant topic of conversation..."So, you're Michigan, too huh? Nice..." Also, I think we have the best grandma EVER!! I love how she just says whatever she is thinking. No internal monologue for that lady! Love her!!

Anonymous said...

wow...i totally ditto molly's comment. i can just hear grandma saying that. i think people in the law library think i am crazy because that made me laugh out loud. as far as the states, let's share!! that is what family is all about right?

Abe said...

I believe this issue was already decided when states were assigned. They will be shared. Thus, D-Ray will be in Delaware with Grandma (we've already discussed this and she is very excited about it so don't bust her bubble!).

New Hampshire

bdiddy said...

Yeah - sharing is the best! So is Grandma.

Nateusmoore said...

All right, sounds good.
- Missouri

mattandkelly said...

How did I get so lucky? Married into such a wonderful family AND landed the coolest state in the union!


Jan said...

I can't even remember what state I am, but I would love to share it with another family member. What a GREAT idea!! And, you go Gramma!! I do wish men could carry just one baby just for the thrill of it all!!
Love you all!

Johnny Piano said...

From this Georgia Peach, I agree. Sounds like a buncha fun! By the way, Jan, you're ... um ... New Jersey. Sorry. Anyway, if you want to double-check your state, here's a link to the post last summer:

Anonymous said...

I think sharing states is a great idea. And Mom/Grandma rocks!!

Love from

Mike said...

There's not enough room in my state to share.

- Rhode Island

Molly said...

Touche, Mike, touche. And I would love to share my state, even though I think it might be a long while til we get that far down the line...

Anonymous said...

well maybe if the occupants of mike's state become overcrowded, they can spill over into mine....i will have plenty of room to share


Jan said...

Ok, so I am New Jersey. The accent alone would allow me to share with as many people as would want to be there!! Between Marc (New York) and mine, we could pretty well sum up that east coast twang!!

Nick said...

I hate my state. I was never the biggest fan, but ever since last year when the embarrassing "come visit our lame state" commercials came on tv, I have wanted to revamp the whole procedure, though that would never pass the 3/4 majority vote. But I would gladly share my misery as the identity-crisis cousin who is not quite sure if he is in the South or Midwest with whatever newbie comes along down the road. Maybe we will have the first overall draft pick to hang our hat on... keep your fingers crossed
P.S. That counts for my state report for the upcoming family picnic