Monday, March 03, 2008

City League BBall, Baby

Tonight was a big night for C and C Physical Therapy's city league basketball team. Tonight marked their first ever post season win. Ben and I are on my Uncle Burt's basketball team and are the only two players under 40. It's a blast. The team hadn't won a game in two years so they recruited some younger ball players and it seems to have lit a spark. We won our game tonight and moved into the quarter finals on Wednesday. Here are a couple action shots. They can be kind of blurry because we move so darn fast so if you get motion sick (Jen - Cloverfield) then be careful. Above: Ben is numero 41 going up for the big board and then in the other one I am numero 10... just walking.


Anonymous said...

i am glad to hear my mom has a big mouth....anyway, congrats on the success of your team...figures you would be the one walking and ben the one doing all the work

Nick said...

Yea sweet action shot of you walking. I thought this was city league not the NBA.

Nateusmoore said...

When I run I move too fast for the camera. A walking shot is the only way modern day cameras can capture me. Not my fault.

Jan said...

Hey, Jen, it was kind of funny!!! Nate, I am sure that we could follow you, buddy!!! I have seen you move! Snap!! Glad you guys are helping the old geezers out!
Enjoy and hope you go all the way to the top!

Tom said...

Hey, wish I could be one of those over 40 guys out there playing a little ball. I'm proud of you guys, good luck Wednesday night.


Nick said...

Actually I have seen Nate move and I must say that when being chased by middle aged men, Nate can really move. The whole camera not being able to capture you... a bit of an overstatement. Just don't let them see your face, Nate.

Nateusmoore said...

Haha... oh man. I must say that Nick almost kept up.