Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Consensus then?

Wow, apparently it just takes Jan to get the cousins moving. Good to know. So it looks like we are doing a present exchange and a calendar, which is awesome. I'm hoping that Jan will similarly take charge of drawing cousin names or delegating that task to another responsible individual. And there was mention of doing family drawings for those of us with them, which I am totally for. So, as for me, I'd love to be put in the drawing as "Hannah's Family" and that should also cut down on some of the confusion of older and younger cousins and second cousins.
Now as for the pictures, I have to give a huge shoutout to Miranda who has sent me a boatload of them already as well as all important dates pertaining to her familia! You rock! I need to make sure that I will have a picture of every family member. I can crop you out of a group shot if that is all I have, but I will need your head to put on your birthday. If you want you and your spouse on an anniversary date, I need a picture of your two heads together as well. Then any other pictures you have, send them along and I'll do all I can with what I receive. My email address is: (notice the no "h" at the end of my name, sorry that can be confusing.)
I need pictures as soon as possible, hopefully in the next two weeks. (Jan, can you also post a blog asking everyone to get their pictures to me in the next two weeks? Thanks.) Also, if you want to order a calendar, you need to get me the ten smackers by November first. And we can only order the calendar once, then it is lost in cyberspace. My address for such dinero is: Hannah Philpot, 5744 Aberdeen Lane, Stansbury Park, UT 84074. Sounds groovy! Love, Hannah


Maurika said...

Great job Hannah-Belle! I am for cousin gift exchange too, but as family and ONLY ONLY ONLY if the cousins do their own dang gift exchange. NO aunts and uncles are allowed to help/assist in any way (with the exception of underage cousins still living at home). I expect your participation and signature in blood by the end of the week.

love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow - these seems to be getting pretty intense. I love it! Great for Ryan's initiation into the family!
