Friday, February 10, 2006

News From 59718

Hey everyone. I just got home from my only class on Friday. It got cancled so I am in high spirits. So news... well... the trip to Seattle a couple weeks ago was a blast. It was something I'll remember forever. We stayed at Maurika's and Mark's house in Renton and it was awesome to get to visit with them. I had a nerf fight with Bridger, and let me tell you, he has the biggest Nerf gun you will ever see. It's a Nerf Bazooka. Wow. As for the big city, Seattle was a great time. We went to Pike's Market, Niketown, Gameworks, and Hooters. I don't know if you all have seen the Bud Light commercials with the Bud Light Daredevil, but if you have, my buddy and I got our picture taken with Ted Fergunson, The Bud Light Daredevil at Hooters. That was the highlite of the night for us. The game on Sunday was unreal. I'd never been to an NFL game and it exceded all expectations. It was unbelievably loud in Qwest Field. The best part was the 'Hawks dominated the Panthers and the atmosphere downtown that night was electric. Seattle was partying like the Seahawks had just won the Super Bowl. Of course, everyone knows how that played out. They was robbed. Oh well, it was a great trip and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. School is going alright, I'm getting into the swing of things. Other than that I have no new news I don't think. Hope everyone is doing great and I hope to see you all soon. Love you all.


mary said...

So, Nate, did ya call your other cousins in Seattle? Did ya, did ya? Just wonderin!

Jen said...

you rock...definitely one of my favorite cuzes...glad we are on the same wavelength. have a great weekend buddy.