Monday, May 23, 2011

Congratulations to the Other New Doctor

We have to give a shout out to Dr. Mike!  We just spent a GREAT weekend in Oregon witnessing all the hoopla for Michael.  He had a hooding ceremony for the optometrists; then was commissioned into the Navy (again); then we went to the graduation for all of the "doctors" where they were actually hooded.  It was a so neat to be a part of it!  Matt actually got to come to the Friday night dinner in Portland as he was in Seattle and stretched his trip out one more day to take part in some of the festivities!  We wish everyone from the family could have been there but we are reaching that time when these things just aren't possible.  We are so proud of you, Michael!!


mary said...

Congratulations Michael! Pretty cool that both you and Jake graduated the same weekend~
Good luck in Japan and stay safe!

Love ya

mattandkelly said...

WOO HOO DR. UNCLE MIKE! So cool. Good work! Glad it was a fun weekend and CAN'T WAIT to celebrate with you in MT in a couple of weeks!

FL Buyske Fam

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Mike. We are very proud of you and know you will do well where ever you land. Good luck in Japan as your first stop.
Love, Bill and Connie

Diz said...

Congratulations, Mike! We're so proud of you!

Diz and Abe

Jen said...

WAHOO!!! You will be on my side of the is where all the cool people hang out these days :)

Johnny Piano said...

Congratulations, Michael! We look forward to seeing you in Helena this summer.

Jacob said...

Way to be cuz. No clue when I'll see you but congrats