Earlier today, Molly and I were talking (texting) about determination and faith and it got me thinking about where inner strength comes from – how determination and faith survive when you otherwise feel discouraged or defeated. For me, it is family (I owe my own family everything, but that is an aside). “Faith in your name,” as a college friend of mine used to say. I always understood this to mean, when you are in need of strength, have faith in what is behind your name, in who came before you, in who gave you your name. This seems like an nice topic to explore here, by family member number 51 holding court with Gramma Jeanne in Delaware, on the first of (hopefully) fifty-four-straight posts on the Moore Family Blog.
Since this is, without question, Gramma’s family, any inner strength, any faith in our names (Moore, Morris, Buyske, Wingerter, Waickman, Philpot, Coldiron, Wells, Borten, Menuier, Schulte – did I get them all?) in one way or another derives from her (and Grandpa John, for those who knew him, I’m sure). As a newer family member, I have fewer points of reference, but can nevertheless identify qualities in Gramma that lend strength, or faith, in my name, Moore. Loyalty, generosity, faith in God, thoughtfulness and perspective, among others. In regard to generosity, specifically, Kit shared a story with me that I will never forget – when she and John were younger and in need of some help, Gramma Jeanne and Grandpa John went out of their way to help them, even where this meant making sacrifices of their own. As for my own experiences with Gramma, I love the cards she sends – they are sweet and caring and reminiscent of when people used to write letters, in that she fills us in on the dinner she had with Connie or a get together with girlfriends at her church. I can picture her saying the things she has written. I also love Gramma’s attitude. She is so sassy. And funny. There’s something about her blasé attitude that is a good reminder not to sweat the small stuff. In any event, thanks, Gramma, for defining Moore.