Saturday, June 02, 2007

Summer fun

Hey all! I hope your first week or so of summer is going well! I am here in Helena and settling in. It is awesome because my dad lives right down town! I can just walk right down the Gulch. It is great. I am going to start my job at the Doughnut Hut on Monday. Whoohoo! Nothing like the smell of fresh doughnuts at 6 in the morning to get your day started right! I am also helping down at the Grand Street Theatre. It is fun. If any of you are in Helena this summer, you should give me a call! I don't really know anyone here, besides some of Joey's friends and my dad, so I would love to hang out with you! Have a great summer and I will see you at The Bash in about a month!!


Johnny Piano said...

Well, Molly, give us a call. We can put you in touch with the ND Summer Service student, Tracy, and other folks of that ilk.

Anonymous said...

Well, Molly, no telling what kind of friends you might make at the Donut Hut!! You will have a GREAT summer. Maybe when your dad breaks down and gets you a bed, life will look better! Sure miss having you here!

Maurika said...

Isn't it the Donut HOLE? If so, and you still have to wear the geeky visor...beware! Take it off and you'll get canned!!! (ok, maybe some bad memories from high school, i am not traditionally a rule follower!) Can't wait to see you this summer! love, maurika