Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm Shameless

Okay, I have to admit that I have a certain reticence about putting a promo for my album on the blog. At the same time, though, I feel pretty good about the project. I've received good feedback, and I hope folks are ready to rock 'n' roll.

I'll leave it at this -- you can check it out at CD Baby and decide if it fits your taste. It'll be on iTunes soon. As an alternative, you can e-mail me
and we can arrange a deal. Or you can wait until the family reunion and bid on it at auction.


Abe said...

I downloaded the CD to my iPod and have spent many a morning biking around Chicago listening to it. Fun music, good tunes. My favorites: Love is a Metaphor, Victim of My Own Making, Middle Age Divorce, and Six Flags Over Jesus.

Shmoore said...

You know I'm good for one Bro but I refuse to pay shipping and handling (got that one from mom).
I'll get one from you at Meagan's wedding.
Welcome back to the states!

Anonymous said...

I still owe you for three. I've listened to mine quite a bit. You did an awesome job!!