Saturday, June 30, 2007

Begin the Countdown...

Hello Family!
I hope everyone's summer is going splendidly! I am really enjoying Helena. Thank you to all of you for the birthday wishes! And thank you once again, John and Ann, for your hospitality! It was fun to see you. Just a heads up, one day you may come home and find me reading on your porch. So, first off...the countdown is on for the Big Bash! I am so excited to see everyone! It will be a lot of fun, I mean, look at our family, when do we ever not have fun?! Second, Bri, I would love to hear how me as a baby is one of your first memories. Interesting... And finally, Rika, I don't know if you received Jen's email, but we had a little hitch in the plans for Meg's bachelorette party and so now we were wondering if it would be okay for us to join the shindig on the fourth? I believe you have dubbed it "Wellsfest". Anyhoo, that is about it from here. Miss you all and can't wait to see you!! Much love!

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