Thursday, November 09, 2006

John's list

Add another post to the Christmas wish-lists. Let me start by saying that my family -- immediate and extended -- has been the best gift I could hope for throughout my life. That means all of you, and I'm really partial to these four.

So, anything I list in this post is frosting. And I'd really prefer to spread the frosting to the charities.

Preferred charities
Helena Food Share, PO Box 943, Helena 59624
Helena Friendship Center Building Fund, 1503 Gallatin, Helena 59601
Habitat for Humanity
Doctors without Borders
Oxfam International (hunger relief)
Amnesty International (human rights work)

Anything you make, bake, or create
I'm adding a new item -- the 75th Anniversary Edition of Joy of Cooking that just came out. Great go-together gift!
DVD: Prairie Home Companion
book: The Female Brain, Louann Brezendine
black socks
navy socks
white ankle socks (athletic)
folding free-stand cheese grater like we got for Hannah
a nice Cabernet


Shmoore said...

Beryl and I rented A Prairie Home Companion on a whim the other night and I thought you would enjoy it. I also thought Abe might find it entertaining.
Do you listen to the radio show on Public Radio?

Johnny Piano said...

I'm a big fan of the radio show -- I catch it as often as I can. They recently broadcast the show from U of M. Check it all out at