Saturday, November 18, 2006

the south has made us slower!

Greetings from sunny NC! Sorry the weather sucks so much in MT. Last Saturday it was almost 80! Just wanted to share some updates before I post Christmas lists (question for all of those English wizards out there. In the previous sentance, if I wanted to say both Nate and Miranda's Christmas list, which is the most appropriate: mine and Nate's, me and Nate's, my and Nate's?) . I had an ultrasound Monday and we found out it's a girl! All parts are accounted for, so that's good. She currently weighs 10oz. I've been trying to scan the ultrasound pictures in but have had no luck. Like the others in school, my semester is quickly winding down. Thank God it's been a relatively easy one, since I spent the first half of it in the bathroom! The house we're building is almost done. We close December 15, so less than a month left. I'm really excited to get back to a place where are belongings are close in reach. We've been living out of storage since we got here. That's about it for now. Here's the lists:


Any good first-time parent book to reassure me I won't screw my child up for life
XL duffle bag on wheels
Target gift cards
Any baby stuff, especially books (used is fine)
Any book you've enjoyed that you think I would like
Any cool artsy stuff to decorate the house with


Golf shirts (S or M)
Golf balls
Cool long sleeve tee-shirts
Home Depot gift card
Any good how to be a good handyman around the house book
Gloves, thin but not leather or suede

You could also support Saint Olaf College for either of us, or Mercy Ships and Northwest Medical Teams for me.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I'll be at home for the next week if any of you are in town and wanted to rub the belly!

- Miranda


Nateusmoore said...

Wouldn't it be Nate's and my Christmas list? John, how'd I do?

Johnny Piano said...

Nate wins the gold star.

Nateusmoore said...
