Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Shout out from 59718

Hey all, this is Nate in beautiful, and presently cold, Bozeman, Montana. All is going great here as we are hitting the home stretch for this semester in school. I have a ton of papers and projects due soon and I think I will keep procrastinating so that it becomes really stressful. Even bigger news: Cat-Griz is this weekend and Jake, some friends, and I are heading down to Missoula on Friday. Abe and I have our annual Cat-Griz bet, anyone else want to throw down? I have faith in my 'Cats and am pretty sure that they will beat the Griz. Without further ado, here is my list. Hope everyone is doing great and I hope that I will get to see you all soon. Go Cats!

-Notre Dame hoody XL
"-Thank You For Smoking" DVD
-North Face or Helley Hansen stocking cap/beanie
-Really, anything Notre Dame (shirts L)

-Cats to beat the Griz, that'd be a great early present.

I'll leave you with a picture of Jake and I, I can't tell you when or where it was taken or why I look so confused. I had to put a pic up that showed my team spirit though.


Jen said...

i will take that bet...what do i have to put in?? i have absolute confidence in the griz.

Nateusmoore said...

As of right now Abe and I bet like $5 or $10 I think. It's tough to remember from year to year. Abe, what is it?

Nick said...

Wow the week has finally come. My roommates are shunning me and I return the negativity right back to them. I might be homeless after the huge win for the Cats this weekend so please pray for me. I would love to throw in but that has proven to be unlucky for me this football season. God bless this family and our Cats!

Jen said...

mark me down for 10...i could use the extra cash!

Nateusmoore said...

I won't even feel sorry taking money from you. It'll be a pleasure. Poor Grizzlies!