Monday, November 06, 2006

Moore from Chicago ...

So what to do on a Sunday? On a whim, we thought we'd try to find tickets to the matinee of "Wicked," the hot musical playing downtown. Well, a little web work dug up only "sold out" and high prices for what turned out to be already-sold second-hand tix.

Then Abe suggested checking with Borders bookstore downtown. I called them, and they described a drawing. Put your name in once, you get a chance to win two tickets at a ridiculously low price. Must be present to win at high noon on Borders' third floor.

Fat chance, we thought -- but what the heck? At least we could get some lunch and go see a movie. ("Borat" was in mind.) We hustled downtown and made entry under the wire. As it turned out, both Briana and I won, so all three of us (Karla couldn't be there), plus a lucky bystander, got front-row seats. It was a great show and marvelous production. I thought of Molly -- and how I expect to see her on such a stage someday.

After that, we pushed our luck and walked to the movie house to see "Borat." Sold out for several screenings. Ah, well ... home again.

1 comment:

Jen said...

molly would be super jealous of you!! we are going to new york over christmas break to see three productions on maybe that will make up for it!