Friday, April 14, 2006

John's Birthday greetings!

Happy Birthday John!
I hope you have a terrific day and we wish you many more!

To all of you, Happy Easter!
All the Wingys, minus Ben, are gathering at our house for the weekend. Miranda and Nate are going to be here for the whole week. They will be arriving here today sometime. Then we have Easter, then the next weekend is Maddie's first Eucharist and Confirmation. So it is very awesome that the Meuniers can be here for that!

Have a happy weekend and safe journeys if you are traveling!

Love ya all, Mary


Johnny Piano said...

Thanks, Mary! I hope you have a great family gathering and a wonderful Easter. I've had a good birthday -- Ann and I went to dinner at On Broadway (Abe's old wine-pouring haunt). Then we went to the movies -- "Thank You for Smoking" -- I recommend it highly as a comic farce. Then we went to Miller's to hear a bit of the Helena Blues Project (some good friends, including Michael Kakuk and Tim Borsberry). Saw Angel there, Bri, and Abe's old roommate, John (at least he claimed to be a roomie). And even after all that, I don't feel old.

Jen said...

wow....happy belated birthday John, sounds like you had a good time. I hope the Wingy's and the Moore's had a blessed Easter, I know the Buyske girls sure did!