Sunday, November 28, 2010

Post your wish lists!

Yes, the official name of the blog is still "Moores' Christmas." So it's time to let your wishes be known. Also, to add those wishes of children yet too young to log on. Let's get started!


Johnny Piano said...

I'll go first, since I'm pushing the idea. John's list: a happy family, iTunes gift card, something you made, family photo, 9-volt batteries.

mattandkelly said...

The FL Buyske Clan:
- A fun Family game
- Any classic Disney movie on DVD

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!!

meg and ry said...

Schulte Clan:

- Family movie
- Donation to Montana Military Family Relief Fund or Florence Crittenton Home (in Helena)
- Ryan (come on Randa - work your magic!!! ;) )

Happy Turkey Day (belated)!!!!

meg and ry said...
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Molly said...


-Donation to the Joyful Heart Foundation
-ukulele (2nd hand, borrowed, stolen...whatever) :)
-books, movies, plays

Jen said...


-ITunes gift card
-books (pretty open as long as it isn't sci fi)
-Kmart gift card (Guam has a Kmart)
-black boot socks (for uniform)
-movies (again, pretty open---even Disney)

Jan said...

Way to go Johnny! You are the man!

Jan's list: Goodwill jumpers Lg/Xlg; Baileys; Dunkin' Donuts coffee; donation to Angel Fund (Helena)

Marc's list: Land's End cards; Cabelas cards; blue, black, brown sox; donation to Angel Fund, Helena Food Share.

Joey said...

Mine's easy:

iTunes gift card

Donation to Carroll in honor of Jim Trudnowski (great professor who passed away recently)

Johnny Piano said...

Ann's list ...

Donation to Helena Food Share or Helena Growing Community Project
Fun lapel pins
Gift card to Montana Book Company or Real Food Market

Anonymous said...

The Wells/Coldiron crew:

world peace, happy family. :)
We all love iTunes as well.
Visits from family, come see us!

love you all!!
xo, maurika

Nick said...

first time back to the blog since t-day... oops!

A puppy! (living or stuffed)
My own place to live! (probably not in that order)
A new car! (even if it is RC)
A donation to me! (or any deserving cause)
My education paid for! (or completed)
ND football/plane tickets! (or at least a bowl win)
Socks and underwear are always nice, too.