Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Halloween Fun

So, Briana just told me she had uploaded all of her halloween pics to facebook (so lame!!). But as a non-facebooker I think ya'll should post some of your dressin' up pics here for Grama and I. (Bri and I also decided that we are probably the only two people in the family -if not the world- that don't facebook.)
So here we are: Mikayla was the White Queen from Alice in Wonderland, Carter was a Zombie Skateboarder, Kesiah was a dead bride (I know it is morbid but she has wanted that costume for three years so I finally gave in), and Kaitlyn was a lil Fairy.
Really think ya'll should post yer Hallowed Halloween pics as well. :)


mary said...

So cute! Thank you for sharing...

Jen said...

your kids look awesome!!! i hope they were able to score a lot of candy :)

Shmoore said...

Pretty cool costumes. Hope all is well in the old neighborhood.

Briana said...

Awesome pictures! So impressed Hannah! Impressed that you hold so dearly to not Facebooking - come on, peer pressure has got to work eventually!!!