Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Visit to Portland

We hope y'all had a good Independence Holiday. For our part, we trekked to Portland to See Bri and Peter and Sabina. It was also Eddie's first chance to visit the city. (Eddie is the ND Summer Service student staying with us.)
We had good visits, good food, and good fun. Sabina is now 19 months and going strong.

While we were in town, Peter's mother, Kate, arrived from Massachusetts. Here she is with the family at a berry-picking farm on Sauvies Island. The weather was great and the pickin' was easy.

So, now it's your turn. Fill us in on the holiday doings. Love y'all.


Jen said...

That sounds like so much fun! I am actually heading to portland in a couple of weeks for a wedding and can't wait! i spent my independence day in the nation's capital...i bbq'd during the day and then scaled my rooftop to watch the fireworks...quite an amazing show! hope everyone's summer is going well!

Shmoore said...

Marc and I were in the big city of Chester at a swim meet for the weekend. We headed back to Shelby and had dinner with some friends. It was relaxing and fun! I am really missing Helena and my little bro and sister-in-law! We will hook up when I get back!!
Love you! Jan

mary said...

What a fun time...picking berries. I think that would be great and fantastic eating I am sure!


Meghan said...

Sounds like a great time! And Sabina is growing so quickly!

We spent the fourth at Holter before heading East for 10 days (more later).

Just also wanted to point out that apparently Mom doesn't miss her daughter, son-in-law, OR grandson. HELLO!?!?!
