Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Happy BIG 3-0 Matt!!!

Mattie boy~
What a momentous occasion 30 years ago on July 2nd! You have grown into a wonderful family man and Navy officer. We are very proud of all your accomplishments. It is a wonderful phenomenon of nature that you get older and Dad and I don't. ;) Have a happy birthday!
Mom and Dad


Hannah said...

Happy Birthday Matthew. Look I'm first which means my birthday wishes are the most meaningful. :)

mattandkelly said...

Happy Birthday, Honey! May God bless you abundantly - ESPECIALLY as you get OLDER!

Oooooooooolder... A whole new decade... What are we up to today, you might ask? Getting Depends - I mean it depends what the birthday boy wants to do! Where are the hairs - I mean years going?! My how time flies when you're going senile - I mean having fun! We'll be sure to give you plenty of Geritol - I mean hugs and kisses today!

Ah, but seriously, folks (I'm here all week)... You are a fantastic husband, a wonderful daddy, a loving provider, a super man! You are a blessing in my life! I LOVE YOU!


Jen said...

Very entertaining Kelly, he sure is lucky to have a wife like you, but just remember, yours is coming too, so be careful what you do to him today! :) Happy Birthday bro! I am so blessed to have you as my brother and so happy for all that you have accomplished in your life and will continue to accomplish! Celebrate your 30th in style (and whatever you do, avoid deep-sea fishing!!!) Love you tons!


Nateusmoore said...

Happy Birthday, Matt! July birthdays are the best and there's no better person to start it off than you. Hope you have a great day, cuz.

Abe said...

Happy Birthday, Matt! My post is fifth, which means it's five times more meaningful than Hannah's. Hope to see you guys this fall!

Molly said...

Happy birthday big bro! I hope you have a wonderful day! Hope to see you soon!! Love you mucho!!

Mike said...

Welcome to the big time, LT. Hope you get to enjoy the day with the wild bunch in some non-sweating your butt off place.

Meghan said...

Happy Birthday Matt! Hopefully you are able to kick off a long weekend with a big birthday bash (doesn't everyone in the military take at least a 3-day weekend for holidays?) :)


Anonymous said...

My, my the BIG 3-0!!!
Seems like yesterday that you were that cute curly haired toddler. Where has the time gone?
We are very proud of all that you have accomplished and know that you will do so much more.
Have a good one
Love, Connie and Bill

bdiddy said...

Happy Birthday Matt! I had to wait to have the 10th post - so now mine is worth 10 times as much as Hannah's and twice as much as Abe's! I guess that is why I am your favorite cousin. Right?
Anyhow, I hope that your birthday was fabulous and that your year if full of joy and love.