Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bri - baby??

We are all waiting VERY impatiently for news on this baby!! Isn't she overdue at this time? I want to hear how the hypnobirthing went. So make sure that the news hits the blog when little Sabina comes, ok?? You make a beautiful pregnant mama! It is so exciting to have all of these little ones joining the family! "Little" Benedict Douglas is a whopping baby. He is almost three months old and weighs in at about 18 lbs. He is huge!
Keep us posted, Bri. Love you! (You, too, Peter!)


Miranda said...

OMG!!! Emma doesn't wait 18lbs yet and she's 7 months! Crazy. Yeah, where's Sabina?!

mary said...

I keep checking this page waiting for news and photos!! Can't wait for either of them. I am sure you are getting excited too, Bri. Just don't forget to inform these doting great aunts out here!!

Love ya