Friday, January 26, 2007


Hey y'all!
Just some news about Jake. He had a scan today on his thyroid. They found some tissue, not sure if it is cancer or not, and his levels are a bit elevated (read not at zero). So the doctor has decided he needs to be radiated again with the radioactive iodine that he has had before. Jake is feeling very positive that this a preventative measure and that it doesn't mean his cancer is back. However, I am his MOM and I tend to say we need lots of prayers anyway.
So, I am asking the greatest family in the world...keep Jake in your prayers. He goes in on Monday for "the pill" and he will be in isolation at home for at least 3 days. He will have another scan the week of Feb. 5. So he is "stuck in Great Falls" as he says until we find out the results of that. Right now, he is 5 weeks without his synthroid and feeling really tired and run down. So he has been sleeping lots but going buggy being at home with NO ONE here in Great Falls (read no friends!) So, keep Jake-O in your thoughts and prayers this next week. I truly would appreciate it!
Love you all and I am looking for photos of our newest addition! Let's go Grandpa! Where are the pictures?!??


Johnny Piano said...

Best of luck, Jake! Maybe a little down-time in ol' GF is just what ya need. We're thinking of you.

Shmoore said...

Keep up the rocking positive attitude jake! This too shall pass.

Abe said...

keep the faith, jake. thinking of you out here in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mary and Jake - I hope that this is a case of mistaken tests and that everything turns out positive. We're thinking about you.

Aurie Moore

Nateusmoore said...

Hey W-face MacKenzie, we're all thinkin' of you here in Bozeman, hurry back, the town misses you.