Sunday, October 15, 2006

Christmas Treats

Hey all. It's a sunny, cold day here in the City of Broad Shoulders. We had our first snow last week, but it didn't stick and the grass is still green - though the leaves are turning. All in all, it's perfect football weather - which bodes well for John's (and Bri's?) visit out here November 3rd for the ND-UNC game. If anyone has a line on tickets, that would be the best Christmas gift I could possibly imagine. I've been down to South Bend for the Penn State game (just tailgated, no tickets) and the Purdue game (tickets thanks to John and Ann!) so far. It's tough to find a ticket for less than $200 to any game, even after that brutal loss to Michigan. I'm flying out to Baltimore at the end of the month for the ND-Navy game in the Ravens' stadium (again, ticketless!), which should be fun.

Christmas treats I'd enjoy:

Books: "The Richest Man in Babylon"; "State of Denial: Bush at War"; "Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules"; Complete Short Stories of Hemingway

DVD: "Sunken Treasure, Jeff Tweedy Live In the Pacific Northwest"; "Bob Dylan: No Direction Home"; "The U.S. vs. John Lennon"

CD: Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend (double disk); Colin Hay - Company of Strangers or Peaks and Valleys; Beck - the Information

Grizzly shirts (size L) or sweatshirt (size XL) or stocking cap

white undershirts (L)

a football

a visit from you

Like Mary, I may be able to supplement this list later. For some reason it's really hard to sit and think of things I would like to have. I suppose that's a good thing.

No other big news out here. My kosher slaughtering case is still going full steam, and I have to go to Brooklyn later this month to argue a motion. Looks like Kit (and maybe Joey?) will be out here for Thanksgiving.

Hope all's well with y'all.

1 comment:

mary said...

Way to go, Abe! It is hard to figure out things that you need or want. Especially since I have all I need with this awesome family!