Sunday, April 30, 2006
Moore Family New Year
Anyway...I hope ya'll are doing well and that life is going good! Seems like it from the updates we've sent around. I'll be around eventually once anything exciting happens (although a 26 hour road trip with mom and dad is bordering that!).
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Management Training

I was talking with Briana recently, and we agreed it's time for another round of e-mail news. I've been planning to get one started, but dang if there isn't a lot of other stuff to do. So, anyone should feel free to get the ball rolling. I think now's a good time -- before school gets out and lots of family folk are on the move. I know this site has been good for some catching up. And some of you are better than others in using it. But I still think the "old-fashioned" e-mail method is a bit more thorough. Who'll be the first to step up to the task?
Monday, April 24, 2006
Bored Nate
I copied and pasted the embedded player again, sooo see if that works. If that doesn't, here is the link. Abe told me that his computer wasn't opening it either so it must be the video host. Alrighty, take care.
Friday, April 14, 2006
John's Birthday greetings!
I hope you have a terrific day and we wish you many more!
To all of you, Happy Easter!
All the Wingys, minus Ben, are gathering at our house for the weekend. Miranda and Nate are going to be here for the whole week. They will be arriving here today sometime. Then we have Easter, then the next weekend is Maddie's first Eucharist and Confirmation. So it is very awesome that the Meuniers can be here for that!
Have a happy weekend and safe journeys if you are traveling!
Love ya all, Mary
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hello wonderful family!!
It has been a while since I have update you all on the happenings here in I figured I better do so. First of all, I hope you are all having a wonderful Holy Week and whatever your plains for Easter, I hope it is a blessed one. Molls and I will be travelling to MT to visit the older sis.
Secondly, our outdoor track season is underway. We began in TX with our spring break trip, that is what this picture is from, some of us girls enjoying the sunshine. Anywho, I didn't throw very well to begin with, but I had a great trip. Then last weekend we had a home meet. I threw better there and provisionally qualified for the outdoor national meet. Hopefully I will be able to better my mark and move up the list. We only have 4 more meets remaining, this season sure goes by quick.
Other than that, I am just plowing through classes and the other stuff that happens at college. Molly is busy preparing for the Pirates of Penzance, which will be put on at the end of the month, and which Matt, Kelly, Will, Mom, Dad, and Meghan will all be able to see. That is going to be a super fun weekend.
Looking forward to next year, I have to register for courses and I can't believe that I am almost done. This summer, while hopefully being able to spend time with family, will consist of studying for the LSAT....yeah. But right now I am just soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the wonderful spring weather that we have been blest with, I only hope this keeps up for the remainder of the year and track season.
I know that I have sent you all emails, but I also wanted to remind you about the Relay for Life. It goes on the first weekend in May, and I would truly appreciate any donation that you would be willing to give. My address again is: Jen Buyske, Augustana College, Box 275, 2001 S. Summit Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57197. If you have any further questions or if you know of anyone who would also be willing to support this cause, please send me their contact info!!
I know this was long...but come on, if you are on this sight, you are wasting time anyway! :) Have a great Easter everyone!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Birthday and Big Day ...

We had a great celebration last weekeend for Connie's birthday. Lunch at Bert & Ernie's, with Ann and the Buyskes joining. After catching our breath, we had dinner at Mary's ... what a nice spot to gather!