Friday, August 07, 2015

Summer Fun!!

We had a blast with these two little guys up at Grampa Bingo's!  Marc had to work in Libby for a couple of days so we tagged along.  They rode the ATV with Grampa Bingo both days; went to the green dumpsters in his pickup truck; played in the sandbox he filled with sand; fished with Grampa Marc (got skunked on the lake but Tyson caught two off the dock); played in the Troy park under the spraying daisy; learned to skip rocks down by the river.  We also had to shop at the drugstore, grocery store and have a "coffee" drink!  They were real troopers and slept late on Thursday morning!!  They helped grill hot dogs outside for dinner and went out to dinner twice and lunch once and were perfect!  Love traveling with them.  Hope to do it again.  Now looking forward to getting together with all the Buyskes on both sides (minus Joey, Erin and Henry) for Jo's memorial.  


Erin said...

They are so lucky to have such close access to Grandma Jan and Grandpa Marc!

Mary said...

How fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they sure had a blast! I don't remember getting to do all those fun things when I was a kid...


Jen said...

Molly that's what happens when you are the biological child---you get duck tape on the mouth in the car....the grandkids get to skip rocks and drink coffee