So pictures:
First we have her "cousin" birthday party she shared with her Philpot cousin Lila. There are fourteen kids under the age of 11 on Jerry's side (most living in Utah) so cousin parties abound! She got called up during the magic show and although it is a poor picture, when he removed the board she was levatating! Pretty cool.
Then ironically, Opa J. (Or Grampa John) sent her a magic trick set for her birthday which the whole family has been loving - the tricks are great. Here is her masterpiece performance with the jewel-in-the-box!
Here she is with her five little friends for her "Friend" birthday party. She is the one in orange. (I know, don't get me started, we go overboard for birthdays!) It had a bear theme and I am posting the bear cake I made because I mean, seriously, that is pretty good right?
Her birthday gift was a bike her size and she is just cruisin' now that she has wheels!