Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An Exciting Schulte Update

Okay - it's not baby news yet. The doctor gives me another 2 weeks to go. Heck, with the snow, I've had a pretty nice 9th month - no heat at all!

Anyway - the REAL news is that Ryan has been hired at Helena High School in the History department. YAY! We are pretty excited (and relieved).

And yes...that is the same school Mom is working at.

Yes...that means son and mother-in-law will be working side-by-side.

Yes...that means we are moving to Helena and thus are fulfilling the grandparents' dreams of having a grandchild in town with them. Hm....maybe we should reconsider.....JK!

So thank you for all the thoughts and prayers as we went through an interesting last few months trying to figure out where we were going to be. Now we just need to figure out a place to live in Helena - eek!


mary said...

Awesome news!! I am so happy for you! You are going to love Helena it is a great town and Grandma is there!
Love you and we will miss you in the falls!!

Abe said...

Wow. That is such excellent news! This is great to see Helena get populated with Buyskes. Congratulations to Ryan. Helena High is no Capital, but it's a heck of a start.

Jan said...

We are pretty darned excited about you guys coming to town. Abe, I have to say that HHS is the best choice to be made! Ryan will fit in very well! They are excited about getting him!!
Congratulations to you guys!!

Johnny Piano said...

Congratulations on landing the spot, Ry! We look forward to having you join the fine populace of the Capital City.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! i am excited too! don't ask me why...but hey....i will probably make a couple of trips down to the capital city and it will be nice to have more family there as i can't help but smile when i think of mom and ry in the same school, son-in-law's dream come true right?

Hannah said...

So perfect, now when I come visit in Helena, I'll be able to see tons of family!

Nateusmoore said...

It was great havin' you guys in town but I'm sure Helena will be just as fun. Congrats on all of it.