Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentines day!

I love checking in on everyone - this site totally rocks. We have some family updates - we all have the flu, Rileigh turned 13 (birthday party pic below) , Piper is growing great guns (flashing her gang sign below), Bridger was on the honor roll 4.0, Truman learns more words everyday - loves his baby sister, and now jumps (arms in the air - both feet of the ground, so cute!) Mark travels across country as always, and my website will be up by the end of the month! WOW!

Happy Valentines Day - love love love you all!!!



Jen said...

wow...sounds like your family is busy, but doing well. i am sorry to hear about the flu..i got struck with a cold this week too!! darn them germs! :) all of your children are so amazing!

Jan said...

Here I thought I was going to get to make the first comment and I get on and Jen's is sitting there but not showing up. Way to comment over your mom, Jen!!
Anyway, Rika, your kids are growing so fast and are so dang cute. Piper changes every picture. We are going to have to get some of the Buyske boys on there. Sorry to hear that you are all sick - that is NO fun!!