Saturday, July 25, 2015

Happy Belated, Ryan!

Happy day late birthday to this great guy!  He is such a great dad, husband, son, brother!!  We had a birthday celebration on Wednesday with dinner and cheesecake and then celebrated at the fair last night with a deep fried sausage!!  Hope you got that beer at the rodeo!!  You are a special kind of guy, Ryan and we wish you the best as you prepare for 33!!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday again, Ryan! It sounds like you had a great celebration that spanned a few days. You definitely deserve it. Looking forward to seeing you in a month.


Jen said...

Happy Belated brother!!!! Sounds like you enjoyed it MT style! :) I hope that your summer is going well and I am looking forward to seeing you in August

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great b-day back in MT. Look forward to seeing you guys again next month.

- Mike