Monday, November 10, 2014

Happy Belated Birthday, Will!

To an amazing nine year old!
He was the leader of that crazy pack at Molly's wedding; a ring bearer extraordinaire; an all around Captain America!!  We love you like crazy, Will boy!  Happy 9th birthday (a day late!!)


Anonymous said...

To the boy who made me an aunt, I can't believe you are 9!! I hope your birthday was golden! I love you!

Aunt Molly

Jen said...

Golden birthday!!!! I am constantly amazed by your talents and your creativity! I hope you had a great day Will! Love you!

mary said...

Happy birthday Will! We always love seeing you and your family. Hope your day was extra fun since it was your golden!

Hannah said...

Carter has that exact same shirt! You are two cool peas in a pod. Hope you had a great birthday!!