Thursday, August 21, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Hard to believe it's been 10 years since we celebrated these two in Iowa.  And it's been a very busy decade for them.  Through all the travel, moves, and boys these two always keep smiles on their faces (at least when others are watching) and find the best in every moment.  Happy Anniversary, you two, and enjoy your day.  See you next week!



Anonymous said...

THAT was a fun shindig! And to think, I was about to start my senior year in high school. I hope you two enjoy your day! You truly are an amazing couple. Love you!


Jen said...

You guys look soooooo young (ahem, still, you STILL look sooo young!) :) I hope you have a very special day. Looking forward to seeing you and your awesome clan soon!

Johnny Piano said...

Happy, happy to the Buyskes! Looking forward to seeing the whole family this weekend.