Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happy Birthday, Piper!

Piper Denali Wells turns 6 years old today. She's the queen of kindergarten and the head of household. We hope she has a grand day and the great year!


Jan said...

Hope that your 6th birthday is very special indeed! You are sure growing up!

Jen said...

6??!!! Man, I can remember when you were in a crib at the family picnic! Time sure does fly! Enjoy your birthday and the rest of your year in kindergarten!

Hannah said...

My favorite quote from Piper while we were there at Christmas went as follows:

Bridger,"Are you excited, Piper?"
Piper, "YES!!.... for what?"

She is just such a happy bundle of joy - love that girl!

mary said...

Happy birthday Piper! I hope you had a super day~

mary said...

Happy birthday Piper! I hope you had a super day~